HAR files/Postman

Using HAR files or Postman collections

If you already have HAR files or Postman collections you can use them with Optic via the --har or --postman capture options.


When using the --har or --postman options, the typical capture flow is skipped. This means Optic doesn't start your app, the proxy, or send any traffic. If your optic.yml includes a capture block, it is ignored.

HAR files


# unmatched (new) requests
$ optic capture openapi.yml --har ./file.har --update automatic
Learning path patterns for unmatched requests...
Documenting new operations:
 GET /
 GET /users
 POST /users/create
# existing requests
$ optic capture openapi.yml --har ./file.har
 GET /
   200 response
 GET /users
   200 response
 POST /users/create
   201 response

The --har option accepts either a single file, ./file.har, or a directory containing one or more har files,./har-files/. While the input may be a directory, it cannot contain a glob pattern.

Postman collections


$ optic capture openapi.yml --postman ./postman-collection.json
 GET /
   200 response
 GET /users
   200 response
 POST /users/create
   201 response