Ship better APIs.
Optic makes it easy for developers to publish accurate API docs, avoid breaking changes, and improve the design of their APIs. Get the benefits of API-first, without slowing down.
Amanda opened a Pull Request
Testing API Changes
- OpenAPI is accurate
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- No Breaking Changes
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- New Endpoints follow v3 API Guidelines
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Added 3 Endpoints. Changed 4 endpoints.
"Anyone using (or wanting to use) OpenAPI to describe APIs should take a strong look at Optic. They truly get what it takes to maintain a great API at scale 🧑🍳🤌"
Marc-André Giroux API Lead
"Optic is a smart, simple, and straightforward solution to a real world problem every company faces"
Kin Lane API Evangelist
"Brilliant! That's a whole lot of OpenAPI I don't need to write, and Optic is even making components to keep your OpenAPI Dry."
Phil Sturgeon Author, APIs you Won't Hate
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